About Us
Game Changer - Committee
Josh and Jackie Hurley
Josh and Jackie are the founders of Game Changer. They are on mission to build community in Cascade and believe teenagers in the family unit are an important pillar in seeing this goal achieved!
Ryan and Natalie Taylor
Ryan and Natalie are excited to be part of helping build the future of Cascade! With children in the teen years for the next decade, they have very personal reasons to be involved!
Todd and Heather Johnson
As a homeschool family, Todd and Heather bring different perspective. With a passion to serve teens and to see them have the best opportunity for their future, Todd and Heather are excited to rise to the challenge!
Jonny Villanueva
As a local entrepreneur who has also been involved in youth ministry for years in Cascade, Jonny is one of the charter dreamers for what a solid Teen Center in Cascade could look like both for the teens, and for the future of Cascade's workforce.
Game Changer - Teen Advisory Board
Lincoln Huckaby
Alex Johnson
Davis Taylor
Lillian Miller
Luke Johnson
8th Grade
Horizons' Lifestyle and Education Team
Horizons' team was formed in 2007 when the U of I Extension began the Idaho’s Horizons program in Cascade through a grant from the Northwest Area Foundation. This program aimed to reduce poverty in small, rural towns and help communities with changing demographics by fostering leadership within the community.
Mission Statement
Horizons' Lifestyle and Education Team is committed to the educational and lifestyle needs of our community. The Team addresses educational needs, poverty issues, community projects that promote healthy lifestyles, and affordable activities to enhance the experiences of residents and visitors of the West Central Mountains of Idaho.